A visit to Immanuel Learning Center

Located in the fields south of Maesot, this location only has one permanent building. At the end of the day, students head out into the surrounding fields to their humble shacks.

They do know how to sing. B-I-N-G-O
Not easy during rainy season. You might encounter water buffalo!

Classes in the cane fields

Tong Luang Learning Center is strategically located in the midst of fields north of Maesot. It is located close to the river separating Myanmar. There immigrant refugees from across the river work illegally in the fields. They cannot return to Myanmar because the area is heavily mined with explosives a short distance from the river. Most live in huts, but when the police come to round up illegal immigrants, they flee into the fields. Since children (illegal or not) have a right to education in Thailand, the learning center provides a way for them to move along the path out of poverty.

Classrooms completed

The lower floor of the church/learning center building was recently completed. The upper floor is a meeting area for church services and seminars. Previously classes were held in thatch roofed areas or out in the open air. There is increasing pressure on Morning Glory II learning center due to the number of students increasing each year. It has more than doubled over the last three years. We thank God for the faithful giving that funded the completion.

Pray that God will supply the needs of the teachers and the rest of the staff.